Ways to Speed up Telegram

Ways to Speed up Telegram

Ways to Speed up Telegram
Ways to Speed up Telegram

How to Speed Up Internet Connection One of the easiest way you can do to improve the performance of Telegram is make sure you have a strong and stable internet connection. If some of the users are experiencing downloaded files too-slowly or messages coming in with a delay, you might want to try moving to a network that has more bandwidth. A good example is if a user changes from a 10 Mbps plan to a 50 Mbps plan, This would make the app EXTREMELY responsive in a snap.

Data Saver Telegram has an inbuilt feature to control the usage of data. To reach this go to Settings -> Data and Storage -> Automatic Media Download. Keeping automatic downloads disabled in settings, especially on mobile data can save bandwidth and makes the app operate faster. So, enabling auto-download for video could make 70% less mobile data usage.

Clear Cache Over Time, Telegram will build up cache, which has the potential to bring down the performance of the app. You can clear cache which will not only free up useful space and keep the application working smoothly. Clear Telegram Cache – Settings -> Data and Storage -> Storage Usage -> Clear Cache

Telegram Web or Desktop Versions For users who may be limited to mobile devices, Telegram web or desktop versions can run faster These are typically faster since PCs and laptops are more powerful at processing than some smartphones.

Turn off Chat Backgrounds and Animations Telegram’s own custom animations and chat backgrounds also look nice but can be pretty slow down the app. Making these visual items easier can aid less complicated navigation as well as quicker posting of messages. To change those options, go to Settings -> Chat settings -> Turn off animations.

Activate the Telegram 加速 Link For the power users among us who are looking to truly supercharge their Telegram experience, there is a particular acceleration link or tool designed to speed up the processing of Telegram data. Telegram Servers: These tools optimize the data packets they send to and receive from Telegram servers.

Active Sessions Limit Users attending with multiple active sessions with various devices might experience performance decrease Try to restrict your telegram logged device. Settings -> Devices -> Active Sessions This way you can handle active sessions.

Use these tips to improve your experience on Telegram, resulting in faster message delivery, quicker downloads and more responsive interactions.

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